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Academic Details

Academic Details

School implements the Cotinuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) and other educational reforms designed and incorporated by CBSE to fulfill the objectives of Formative and Summative Evaluation.

A dedicated team of qualified teachers guides and nurtures the children. Individual care, coaching and regular effort is a part of the teaching environment. Learning is joy here, as teachers make their lessons interesting by modern teaching-methods/technique including demonstration, experimentations, project work assignments., play-way. structural method etc. Education is child centered and signing, mimicry, playing, dramatization etc. are part of holistic teaching/learning.

The success of the Emmanuel Mission High School, lie in harmonious blend of science and technology on a sound foundation of ancient culture. We aim to create in our students a thirst for knowledge, honesty and a patriotic fevour based on humanism.

Parent-Teacher Meeting

In order to establish a meaningful relationship between the school and the parents, meetings are held after every test/evaluation to discuss the progress of each and every student and accordingly Special and remedial classes are arranged.